
Archive for May 27, 2010

Outrageous news regarding our military and the White house. Veterans, memorial day, and our flag was still there (for now)

May 27, 2010 Leave a comment

‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’
Set for Landmark Votes

The House is expected to vote as early as today on whether to allow gays to serve openly in the military
Gibbs Practicing ‘Don’t Ask, Won’t Tell’ Policy
Obama to Hold 1st Full News Conference in 10 Months (Oh aren’t we just thrilled)
LIVESHOTS: Military Says to Wait for Review (Obama’s getting crucial players under him thumb and they are capitulating)

Obama Blasted for MIA on Memorial Day (As he should be, this is absolutely disgraceful)
Speaking of disgraceful, this one really takes the cake in the realm of dissing our men and women who serve
Dems leave out military in ObamaCare provision
May 26, 2010
Democrats are telling us a lot about their priorities: take care of union members, but not the but not the military in the health care “reform” bill
And finally yet another instance of disrespecting our veterans flying there flag.
The people (or perhaps we should better describe them as jackasses) perpetuating this will rue the day should they ever get to meet us.

Wisconsin Veteran Must Remove Flag After Memorial Day, Wife Says

By Joshua Rhett Miller

Published May 26, 2010 |

Charlie Price, a 28-year-old Army veteran, will be allowed to fly this flag in his Wisconsin apartment only until Memorial Day, his wife told

An Army veteran in Wisconsin will be allowed to display an American flag until Memorial Day, but the symbol honoring his service in Iraq and Kosovo must come down next Tuesday, his wife told

Dawn Price, 27, of Oshkosh, Wis., said she received a call from officials at Midwest Realty Management early Wednesday indicating that she and her husband, Charlie, would be allowed to continue flying the American flag they’ve had in their window for months through the holiday weekend. The couple had previously been told they had to remove the flag by Saturday or face eviction due to a company policy that bans the display of flags, banners and political or religious materials.

“It’s basically an extension so we can fly the flag on Memorial Day,” Price told “It does need to come down after that.”

Charlie Price, 28, served tours of duty as a combat engineer in Iraq and Kosovo, his wife said. To honor his eight years of service, she began decorating their apartment during Veterans Day in November. An American flag topped off the display, she said.

“I knew it made Charlie really proud to see that,” she said. “And this isn’t something new. This has been up for quite some time now.”

Veterans’ groups were furious at the realtors’ refusal to allow the flag to fly.

“As a veteran, it sickens me that the Dawn and Charlie Price’s building management company would imply that the American flag could be construed as offensive by their residents,” said Ryan Gallucci, a spokesman for AmVets.

“We’re talking about our most revered national symbol. This is insulting to anyone who has defended our flag honorably, like Charlie Price.”

Dawn Price said she now works to amend the federal Freedom to Display the American Flag Act of 2005, which states no “condominium association, cooperative association, or residential real estate management association” may stop someone from flying the American flag. The law, however, does not apply to renters.

“This has been eating at us since Friday,” she said. ‘The best way to fight this isn’t getting an eviction and going after these people in court. That’s just going to cost us a lot of time, energy and money.”

Instead, Dawn Price said she either intends to place a curtain between the flag and the apartment window to block it from onlookers or will move it to a rear balcony come next week.

“We don’t want to fight the eviction,” she said. “We know we’d lose.”

Officials at Midwest Realty Management, which manages Brookside Apartments, where the Prices live, did not return several messages seeking comment. In a statement to the Oshkosh Northwestern, company officials said the policy was established to provide a consistent living environment for all residents.

“This policy was developed to insure that we are fair to everyone as we have many residents from diverse backgrounds,” the statement read. “By having a blanket policy of neutrality we have found that we are less likely to offend anyone and the aesthetic qualities of our apartment communities are maintained.”

Despite the brief reprieve, Dawn Price said her husband is disappointed by the flag flap.

“He actually sees it as a slap in the face to his service,” she said. “He’s pretty upset about it, especially right around Memorial Day.”

A Facebook group created by Dawn Price, “Freedom to Display the American Flag,” had roughly 2,000 members as of Wednesday.

“As a father of a son [who] is currently serving in Iraq this blackens my heart!!!!” read one comment. “These men and women sign a blank check up to and including their life!” 

Honoring the Fallen

SLIDESHOW: Time to remember those who died for our country. Here’s how YOU are paying tribute to the fallen this Memorial Day

Obama and his administrations list of impeachable offenses grows. Making Nixon look like boy scout!

May 27, 2010 Leave a comment


Santorum:“I think it’s very serious. The President of the United States cannot and should not be out there trying to bribe people to not run for political office. Here you’re trying in a sense to sell people on not running for an office by giving them another office. So I think that’s a big problem.” (AP Photo)

Santorum: Special Prosecutor Should Investigate Sestak Bribery Allegation

  • Sestak-gate: WH Offered Romanoff Job Too
  • Republicans Demand Prosecutor for Sestak Deal
  • Look Who’s Behind the WH/Sestak Stonewall
  • In an exclusive Newsmax interview, former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum says a special prosecutor should investigate whether the Obama administration bribed Rep. Joe Sestak with a job offer if he dropped out of the race he won against Sen. Arlen Specter. If true, Santorum said, the allegation amounts to a possibly impeachable offense.

    Will Sestak questions be answered?  (ever?)

    As seen on Fox News Channel’s “Happening Now” on May 26:


    [There are one of two things going on here:] Either Joe Sestak is a liar and he’s not telling the truth about this, or somebody inside the White House committed a felony. 

    [Federal law] 18Usc211 says that a government official cannot receive anything of value in return for a promise of government employment. That is to say, you can’t offer somebody a government job in return for receiving anything that could be considered a benefit. Well, you know, a clear path to the nomination for your political ally is clearly something of benefit, so to resolve this, we got to have — Joe Sestak has got to step forward and say here’s who made the offer and here’s when they made the offer to me. And then the White House has to make that person available and explain why this isn’t a violation of law. 

    And you know, it’s not enough to depend upon the White House to simply to say, well you know, we’ve looked into it and there’s not a problem. Who said what to whom and when did they say it?And who knew about this offer being made? Did the president, for example, know about an effort to, in essence, bribe Joe Sestak [to get] out of the race? And we can’t allow stonewalling. The people of Pennsylvania and the American people deserve to have answers to these questions. 

    What we do know was that Joe Sestak was asked the question, “were you offered a job in the administration in return for pulling out?” And he said, “yes.” So again, it goes back to the fundamental question, who said what to him? And he needs to be forthcoming in that. And then we need to check with the White House to have them make that person available and put their explanation on it. I doubt that it was said in sort of a hidden way so that Joe Sestak assumed. He was emphatic when he answered the question yes, he was offered a job, a post in the administration if he withdrew from the primary. That’s pretty straightforward and direct. Who made that offer to him?

    You have the chairman of the Democratic National Committee saying yes, we need to get to the bottom of it. Yes, we do. I mean, this is a bribe. And the idea that somebody inside the White House would have tried to bribe a candidate with an offer of government employment, again, I repeat, it’s either Joe Sestak telling a lie — in which case the White House needs to be absolved of any wrongdoing — or he’s telling the truth, in which case, we need to know who committed, potentially, a felony at the highest levels of the White House. 

    The reason I’m concerned about this is, we already have a sense of callousness inside the White House about these kind of questions. The White House chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, was in Congress in 2005 and was given e-mails from the Republican Congressman Mark Foley in which he was trying to sexually prey upon underage teenage male Pages, and then-Congressman Rahm Emanuel sat on those e-mails. He had a moral obligation to give them over to the Page Committee, which is charged with protecting the safety of the Pages or to turn them over to the Ethics Committee which looks at violations of law by Congress. Instead, he held on to them for a year, content to let, in the meantime, Congressman Foley prey on underage male Pages perhaps, in order to use it as a political issue in the closing days of the 2006 campaign. 

    That kind of moral callousness in the White House chief of staff gives me pause as to why we can’t trust the White House to just sort of say ‘we looked into it and there’s no problem.’ Who talked to whom and what did they say? And let’s have Joe Sestak’s version and let’s have the White House version and let the people decide whether or not there’s a problem.

    October Surprise? Rahm Emanuel Goes to Jail for Obama

    After months of staying mum, according to Fox News the White House is reportedly going address Joe Sestak’s claims that the Obama administration offered him a high-profile position if he would end his candidacy for the Senate seat held by Arlen Specter.
    If these allegations prove true, it is a felony to bribe or entice a candidate to withdraw from a race and or interfere with an election process for federal office and someone is going to have to fall on the sword for Obama.
    So who made the offer? Obama’s list of thugs and cronies is endless. Strategically the White House should address the issue as soon as possible, as we approach midterms the White House already has a plethora of situations working against them and faces another summer of discontent.

    Obama’s Katrina – the BP oil spill disaster.. Incompetence, exploiting a crisis, or both

    May 27, 2010 1 comment

    MSNBC’s Todd: Is Oil Spill ‘Wasted Disaster’ If Congress Doesn’t Introduce New Energy Legislation?

    By Matt Hadro | Fri, 06/04/2010 – 18:09
    Chuck Todd “hated” to say it but just had to get it out anyway–would the BP oil spill, arguably the greatest environmental disaster in U.S. history (Katrina now forgotten), be a “missed opportunity” for Congress to capitalize on “disaster” to enact energy legislation should it fail to do anything in its wake?

    Discussing what the reaction of Congress and the Obama administration should be to the spill during an interview with Tom Daschle on MSNBC’s June 4 “Daily Rundown,” Todd asked:

    So if energy legislation isn’t taken up and dealt with, this would basically be–I hate to put it this way–a wasted disaster?

    June 02, 2010
    Obama Exploits Oil Spill Anger to Push Cap & Trade

    May 26, 2010

    James Carville lays into Obama’s do nothing Gulf Spill policy

    James Carville, a Louisiana Cajun, is moved to near desperation in his denunciation of President Obama’s failure to lead .
    More    (and that just says it all don’t it? When Carville attacks a fellow Dem, especially Obama, you know it’s serious)

    Just in: BP’s ‘top kill’ method is reportedly effective in stopping the flow of oil and gas that has been pouring into the Gulf of Mexico for weeks.
    Obama to Extend Moratorium on New Oil Drilling (of course, because it’s not just BP’s fault, it’s everyone’s fault right?)

  • KARL ROVE: Yes, the Oil Spill Is Obama’s Katrina
  • Where Was Obama’s Plan A for the Spill
  • MICHAEL GOODWIN: Obama’s Sinking Fast In Oil Mess
  • Just Plug the Damn HOLES, Mr. President
  • Wishing Upon a Czar: Experts Want Oil-Spill Chief
  • White House Takes Heat Over Spill Response
    Billy Nungesser, the president of Plaquemines Parish on the Louisiana Gulf Coast, has a blunt message for Barack Obama: Cut out the middleman, Mr. President.
    “There’s been a failure of leadership on all levels. Who in the hell is in charge?” said Nungesser, who is prodding the administration to back a controversial plan to build sand barriers to block the oil.
    Until this week, the Obama administration had largely managed to deflect responsibility for the Deepwater Horizon disaster onto others — vowing to keep a “boot on the throat” of BP, while slamming lax oversight on the part of federal regulators during the Bush administration, as if the blame Bush game has gotten old enough already.
    But now, with crude lapping into the bayou, even Obama’s defenders have turned critical. A White House that prides itself on operational competence and message discipline has been frustrated by an environmental catastrophe it can’t predict, can’t control and can’t out-message — and the strain is showing.

    But of course you know Obama is a very busy man,

    Under Fire for Oil Spill, Obama Hosting 3 Fundraisers for Boxer

    President Obama will land in the Bay Area today to raise money for U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer’s re-election campaign as an anti-incumbent wave has Republicans in blue California convinced this is their best shot in years to oust their liberal nemesis.
    The president’s two-day trip, which includes a pitch Wednesday for green jobs, underscores the high stakes for Democrats, who want to avoid a big loss this year in California, which could be a blow to the party in the 2012 presidential election.
    Many Democratic Party insiders concede that Boxer, long viewed as “a cat with many lives,” could finally be out of them and more vulnerable than other Democrats this year.  
    Obama’s trip to the Bay Area, a little more than a month after he already traveled to Los Angeles for Boxer fundraisers, intends to help the three-term senator on two fronts: Today, he’s expected to help raise $1.5 million, a possible record for a U.S. Senate campaign, in events at San Francisco’s Fairmont Hotel. 
    On Wednesday, he’ll head to Fremont to appear at an event at solar energy firm Solyndra Inc., where he will underscore green technology, an issue that Boxer holds as central to her role as the first woman to chair the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.

    After all, is todays wonderful economy, why create several regular jobs when you can create 1 green job. Maybe these hoodwinkers ought to start playing in reality, government doesn’t create jobs to begin with, unless it’s a government job or a subsidized job and either way that’s job another tax payer expense!


    Now let’s just be clear on one thing, there’s alot we don’t know about this spill with regard to BP and just how culpable they are. We are not defending them in any way, and you can attack them, call them self interested, irresponcible, and whatever you want, we certainly won’t stop you. However, we are very concerned with what We Do Know about our Do Nothing Administration:

    We know that the government is not solving this problem. 

    – We know that the government chose to neglect close supervision of BP’s actions even knowing BP’s long and remarkable history of serious safety violations and even instances of criminal conduct. 

    – We know that for the last three years it has been inexplicably agreed between the government and BP that any spills would likely be “sublethal” should they ever occur.

    – We know that after the spill, the government cannot even get the key government employee responsible for overseeing BP to appear before Congress. He simply refused.  (good thing he’s not a baseball player or a car company executive huh!)

    – We know that the government cannot get BP to stop using the chemicals being pumped into the ocean at a horrific rate. We know the government is not helping in this situation.

    – We know that unlike Katrina to which the first responsibility was with the Governor of a state, not Washington, in this matter occuring out at sea there is no state and so the only responsibility lies with Washington. In this respect this is Obama’s Katrina and he is faring far worse than Bush did, or at least with an honest press doinbg their work, he should be.

    So, what can be done? Who can help us? At this point, our only hope is that the American people will take this matter into their own hands, use the laws and the civil process that exist to right these types of wrongs, and hold BP and the other companies involved accountable. We know there is no other option. Whether this will be enough is the final unknown, but it’s all we can do – and must do – instead of idly watching a catastrophy.

    For some perspective.
    43 outpaced 44's Gulf trips

    George W. Bush gestures during a speech on Gulf Coast recovery efforts.

    Bush Outpaced Obama’s Gulf Trips

    President Obama’s visit to the Gulf Coast on Friday is only his third since the start of the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster 46 days ago — an opportunity, press secretary Robert Gibbs said Thursday, to get a full update on the response and “hear from nonelected individuals who are also suffering firsthand.”
    But when it comes to visiting the disaster-stricken area, Obama still lags behind his predecessor, former President George W. Bush, whose seemingly slow reaction to Hurricane Katrina drew scathing reviews and left a permanent mark on his approval rating.
    In the 46-day period in the fall of 2005, after back-to-back hurricanes Katrina and Rita, Bush made eight trips to the distressed region, including a 35-minute flyover of the region on board Air Force One. That trip came two days after Katrina hit, and Bush returned to review response actions on the ground several days later. He proceeded to make trips to Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi and Texas to track the government’s response.
    Obama visited the Gulf Coast for the first time 12 days after the BP oil rig exploded. He surveyed the damage in Louisiana, and returned again last Friday and met with residents in the area.


    Finally, in the can you believe this one category.

    Grayson Wants to ‘Jail’ Steele for Oil Spill and anyone else who has ever uttered the phrase drill baby drill.

    This guy is an absolute lunatic, a fanatical jerk, and a disgusting tyrant. Thank God he’s just a congressman and not actually in charge of anything. If the voters of his district don’t throw him out of office, then they deserve the respect of no one and shame on them.